No Crown
Pastor Robert Madu
Conversation Starters
Pastor Robert said, “Time is measured in minutes, but life is measured in moments.” What are a few moments you’re grateful for from the past year?It’s your birthday and someone gives you a crown and makes you king or queen for the day. What do you do?You’re about to tell the funniest story you know — what props would you use to help tell it?
Ask eGroup members to share their favorite points from the sermon, what spoke to them, a phrase or moment from the sermon they related to the most, or questions they have. If members have a hard time recalling the sermon, talk through your notes and share your favorite points.
Make It Personal
Have you ever told God how your life should go? Give some examples of details you’ve tried to give Him.
Pastor Robert had a carbon monoxide detector as a prop. Carbon monoxide is sometimes called “The Silent Killer,” and Pastor Robert compared it to pride. How would you define pride? On a scale of 1-10, how prideful are you? (What’s the difference between confidence and pride?)
Pride hides. What are some ways we can recognize it? How is pride at the root of a struggle you’re facing? (e.g., at the root of anxiety, indecisiveness, anger, selfishness, being unforgiving, etc. Help your group think about areas of their lives where they are at the center of their own thoughts.)
Go deeper. The Bible talks about pride of the eyes, pride of the heart, pride of the spirit, and pride of the mouth. Read some of the passages listed for each of those in this resource (third paragraph). Talk about how you’ve seen or experienced pride showing up in those areas.
Read Revelation 4:9-11. What does “no crown” mean to you? Why can it be hard to seek God instead of putting ourselves at the center?
“Humility is the hinge upon which the heavens open up in your life.” What are some ways we can practically humble ourselves before God? Why is doing this important to keep us from giving in to pride?
Humility and pride both manifest in how we respond to criticism, rejection, advice, and praise. Talk about how you typically respond to those four things and give some examples of what prideful and humble responses to each one would look like.
How do you typically respond to criticism? (Do you deflect, deny, get defensive, or feel deflated?)
How do you typically respond to rejection? (Do you become stuck-up to the people you felt were acting stuck-up toward you?)
How do you typically respond to advice? (Are you just looking for confirmation?)
How do you typically respond to praise? (Are you seeking validation and approval?)
Act On It
Read Philippians 3:3-10. Paul lists his accomplishments, but instead of taking pride in them, he goes on to say he counts all of them as loss when compared to the worth of knowing Jesus — he was living with no crown.Think back to the four points of criticism, rejection, advice, and praise. Tell the group which of those four is your biggest pride stronghold holding you back from knowing and experiencing Jesus, and take a step this week to live in that area with no crown.
Prayer Requests And Prayer
Ask eGroup members to share any prayer requests they have. Record any notes or prayer requests to pray for members during the week. Father, thank You for helping us identify where pride is keeping us from fully knowing and experiencing Jesus. Give us strength and wisdom to surrender those strongholds to You so we can walk in the fullness of Your presence. In Jesus’ name, amen.