The Gift Of Victory
Pastor Steven Furtick
Conversation Starters
Looking for a way to get the group talking? Try one of these conversations’ starters.
Would you say you’re a super competitive person or do you like to participate “just for fun?”
In the spirit of giving, share a time that you’ve been blessed by someone else’s generosity (of their time, advice, money, etc).
Sermon Reflection
Help transition the group to the discussion with one of these questions.
What stood out to you from this week’s message?
What from the message encouraged you/challenged you the most?
Sermon Discussion
Select 1-2 themes from the sermon to discuss with your eGroup.
Read 1 Corinthians 15:57-58. Pastor Steven taught us that Paul gives us both an expectation and an exhortation in this passage — our expectation is that we’ve been given victory (verse 57), and our exhortation is that we give ourselves fully to God’s work (verse 58). Victory is something we claim everyday, not just once.
Share a victory from your own life. What’s something God has given you or brought you through that you now claim as a victory?
It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking victory is a one-time gift, and not something continually given to us. What are some areas of your life where you want to start proclaiming victory over?
Is there anything keeping you from giving yourself fully to what God is giving you victory in? How can you take a practical step this week towards growing in that area?
We learned about the tendency people can have to “quit quietly.” We’re physically present, but our minds have started to quietly quit and give up.
Share about a time you were tempted to quit on something but found the strength to persevere.
Are there areas of your life right now where you are quietly quitting?
What are some practical things you can do this week to keep you engaged both physically and mentally?
Read 2 Kings 13:18-19. God has given us victory, but it’s our job to do something with what He has already given us. We can’t expect total victory over an area and yet live in partial obedience. Like Pastor Steven said,“you keep going until God tells you to stop going!”
God has given us “an arrow of victory over Aram.” What are the “Arams” in your life that you’re claiming God’s victory over (examples: addiction, bitterness, resentment, a prodigal child).
Share what you’re believing God for in that area of your life?
What can you do this week to “keep going,” and keep fighting for victory in this area when you feel tired?
Pastor Steven said, “To be forgiven of our sin, but not live in victory, is misery.” Sometimes, we fall into Jesus’ forgiveness and then stay there, forgetting we can get up and live in the victory He promised. Jesus didn’t just die so we could be forgiven, He died so we could rise with Him in victory, too.
How would you explain the difference between being forgiven for something and having victory over it?
Is there a struggle you’ve accepted forgiveness for, but are still fighting to overcome?
Seeing victory requires a response on our part. What’s a practical step you can take this week to see victory over that sin or struggle?
Activating Faith
Challenge your group to keep activating their faith. Make this a part of your eGroup time or send this activity to them after you meet.Instead of making a wish list this holiday season, let’s make a “weapons list” — gifts God has already given us to help us live in victory this upcoming year. Make a “weapons list” of all the things God has already given you and hang it somewhere where you’ll see it everyday this week. Praise God for what He’s already given you and look forward with expectation to how He’s going to use those weapons of victory in your life!
Close out your group with prayer using one of these options
An Interactive Prayer
Get into pairs and share one or two of your “weapons of victory.” Praise God for those things together and pray that the victory will come into fruition in each other’s lives.
A Guided Prayer
Thank you, Father, for your gift of victory to us. Thank you that you not only died to forgive us, but you also rose again to give us victory over our sin. Help us to devote ourselves fully to you this week. Remind us of your strength within us to help us persevere. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Additional Resources
Want to help your group go deeper after you meet? Send them one of these resources that relates to the sermon topic.
Listen to “See A Victory” as a reminder of the victory that is already yours.
Watch guest preacher, Earl McClellan, of Shoreline City Church share about how God’s grace is bigger than whatever battle you’re facing right now.
Check out this video from Elevation+ to help you meditate on God’s Word as you persevere and keep going.