Holly shares some background about the book of Acts and outlines four ways to be a successful group member and continue growing in your faith.

Week 1 - The Trial
Larry Brey breaks down one of Peter’s first sermons in Acts 4 to help us view hardships in our lives an opportunity to depend more on Christ. When we face opposition, it is an opportunity to let Christ fight our battles for us.

Week 2 - Evidence of the Spirit
Chad Zollo focuses on Acts 6, the story of Stephen, the first martyr of the Church. We’ll see proof in the book of Acts that when God is on the move in our lives, it often looks like struggle.

Week 3 - What is your inheritance?
Lu Wooten shows us that we were all given an inheritance when Jesus left and went to heaven. If we can learn to invest what Jesus left for us, we’ll see the fruit of God in our lives.

Week 4 - Open Doors and Loose Chains
Chet Pete shows us what Paul and Silas didn’t do when they were thrown into prison. But just because they weren’t physically free didn’t mean they didn’t have freedom. There’s a difference between being free and living free, and it starts with a choice.

Week 5 - The Battle Within
Chelsea Reynolds helps us know what to do when we face resistance. When we view challenges as an indication that God wants to speak something to us or do something through us, we are able to walk through our situation with hope.

Week 6 - Portable Purpose
Wade Joye teaches us that while we often wait for the perfect conditions to believe God can work in our lives, we don’t have to have everything perfect before we see what God can do through us. He can work in any situation we are facing — even the most difficult ones.